Change of Air Podcast // Episode 1 - I Have A Secret, You Are Not Alone
Growing up in an alcoholic home requires us to tell lies - to ourselves, to our family members, to our classmates, to adults in our lives. We don't want to believe what is happening, and then we are asked to not tell anyone else what is happening, and so we stay silent. Terrified. Complicit in lies. Trying to survive.
I've learned over the years that these lies can become toxic. That these secrets can literally make us sick. That what we never look at can never be healed. And that sharing our secrets, telling our stories, saying out loud what has happened to us is one of the most profound ways for us to begin to heal.
That's why I created the Change of Air podcast. The very first episode was recorded a year ago on this very day. A year ago! Why? I was terrified to share my secrets. Even now, after sharing them all here for many years. Somehow this felt more real, more scary, more everything.
The journey to feeling okay enough to put it out into the world only re-affirmed for me how vital it is we have a safe place to share our stories. To confess our secrets. So they no longer own us. So they no longer have power over us. So the lies nested within those secrets - about our self-worth, about who we really are, about what we deserve - are shattered completely and replaced with the overwhelming truth of our worthiness and our inherent magic.
This first episode is a declaration, a creation of what we so deserve: a safe space to call our very own so we may shed the secrets that make us sick.
I would be so deeply, deeply honored if you would subscribe to this podcast and listen and follow along. So much healing is in front of us and I can't wait to do it together!
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